This book was developed by my respected colleagues Dr. Mustafa Doğan, Dr. Hamidu Hamisi Gobeka,
and Dr. İbrahim Ethem Ay. It will help to test and advance the knowledge of all young and older
physicians who have dedicated themselves to ophthalmology.
Despite the fact that ophthalmology has seen a sharp branching and enormous success in each
sub-specialty in recent years, being familiar with all aspects of the science and art of ophthalmology
is a prerequisite for all physicians learning and practicing this particular medical field. One of the
golden standards of good medicine is to periodically assess our current knowledge level throughout
our professional lives and replace any shortfalls or forgotten ones.
Medicine, unlike any other career, is an experience that tests people’s character and will. A good
physician is also a decent person. He/she does not go beyond his or her conscience and knowledge;
protects the value of public health against contemporary populist practices.
This book will contribute to their pursuit of good medicine by allowing ophthalmologists to test
their current knowledge. A good physician will demonstrate his/her ability to open blind eyes and
contribute to society. He/she will certainly recognize his/her worth in all developed countries.
I congratulate my dear colleagues for their dedication to educating young generations of
ophthalmologists. In addition, I praise them for raising this ideal, the consequences of which will be
felt across society.